
Wednesday Picks 16#

Well hello internet daisies, how’s your week been? If your new here Wednesday picks is a post I do nearly every Wednesday (when I remember :S it turns out I post these more on a Thursday but who's keeping check?) about the things that i have been grateful for or have made my week 10x better. 

scorce; own picture.
  • charity shopping with my mum.
  • my youtube subsription feed has finally fixed (but shhhh it might hear me)
  • phone calls with my brother (he is at uni btw)
  • the great british bake off, a show i love that always makes my week better.
  • having time to blog+post sceduling.
  • Its 90 days till christmas!
  • some auturmy stuff went up on my etsy store! (plug plug plug ;)) 'link here'
what things are you greatful for or have made your week better this week?



Wednesday Picks 15#

Well hello internet daisies, how’s your week been? If your new here Wednesday picks is a post I do nearly every Wednesday (when I remember :S it turns out I post these more on a Thursday but who's keeping check?) about the things that i have been grateful for or have made my week 10x better.

 scorce; summer holiday 2013.

  • The fact that the heating in my house has just (when i say just i mean in the last half hour, getting cosy!) been fixed after 2 weeks of no heating (can i hear a yay?!)
  •  massive duck slippers (super warm +cosy!)
  • long sleaved tops great for layering dresses and tops over for extra warmth (have you guessed the theme of this wednesday picks yet?)
  •  shampoo samples in magazeens (bought the full size)
  • chocolate chip scones mmmmmmmmm!
  • i finally got round to posting my holiday outfits.
what things have made your week better this week?


Wednesday picks 14#

Well hello internet daisies, how’s your week been? If your new here Wednesday picks is a post I do nearly every Wednesday (when I remember :S it turns out I post these more on a Thursday but who's keeping check?) about the things that i have been grateful for or have made my week 10x better.

  • family.
  • my brother and dad clearing out there wardrobes, be prepaired for lots of mens clothes in OOTD in the future ;)
  • painkillers (tooths still sore :()
  • blankets (heating isnt working in our house its freeeeezing )
  • fizzy drinks (next time you have one look at the bubbles in them!)
what things have made your week 10 xbetter this week?


Wednesday Picks 13#

Well hello internet daisies, hows your week been? If your new here wednesday picks is a post i do nearly every wednesday (when i remember :S it turns out i post these more on a thursday but who's keeping check?) about the things that i have been gratefull for or have made my week 10x better.

*just to fill you in i went to the dentest on monday to have my tooth out :( so im currerntly sitting writing this feeling sorry for myself as im in lots of pain in my gums :( so most of this wednesday picks is going to be about the dentest :S*
  • My family and how they support me in all i do.
  • Painkillers (lifesavers)
  • the fact they gave me my tooth back (i was not expecting that at all)
  • weetabix and jelly.
  • Friends dvd ( i was so tired after monday i would not have suvived (exaduation) with out my 'friends boxset')
 what have you been grateful for this week?