
Wednesday Picks 3#

So this weeks pick is pinterest, if you havent heard of pintrest Then you probably havent lived its basically an only pinboard, I used it most for gathering idea's for DIY's. Its super easy to use and you can make individual boards for different catagory's. there are different catagorys for different subjects (i like DIYand Craft and geek ones the best) and there is a searchbar which is great if you are looking for a sertan thing. Honestly i do spend a lot of time on there but its really addictive! you should definately take a look, and of corse follow me 'here'.


  1. I'm addicted to pinterest. But I prefer the photos from weheartit...
    I'll go follow you now!
    Marian ^_^ x


Thanks for your comment! I dont do follows for follows!! but leave your blog's name and if I can I will cheack it out anyway thanks for stopping by hope you will come again soon! xxx